Robin Shen

Robin Shen

Horse Training Expert

I do not believe in vague testimonials about impractical concepts .Therefore I will not sugar coat my words.

When I started implementing Mr. Hettini’s advice, I was recently laid off, and homeless. I was living in my truck and pounding the streets looking for a job. I was not a client of Erfan at the time and he had no vested interest in helping me. But as a friend he told me three things:

  • First, I should try to look at unemployment as an opportunity to find out what I really should be doing for a career. That choice should be easily made by answering the simple question:
    If money were no object, and no concern, what would I be doing?
  • The next thing he said was: Offer that activity as a service and charge as much as the top people in that field. Be the best at it, and make people pay for the best.
  • Finally, he told me that every client should bring you a referral and that referrals should become a required part of doing business with me.

With this advice, I took a service that I had previously been offering for free to my friends and launched my business in earnest. Even though I began charging people more than 3 times as much as my competitors, demand for my service has increased 700% in one year and have generated sufficient revenues for me to begin accumulating wealth while doing what I love.

Robin Shen